Many people are wary of fostering as they worry that they won't be able to say goodbye to dogs that they have fallen in love with. While this is completely understandable, Emily, a foster carer with Greyhound Adoptions WA explains why, for her, saying goodbye can actually be such a rewarding experience.
Whether you have a BIG idea for helping rescue dogs, or a slightly smaller but just as valuable one, we want to help you get your plan off the ground and help you make a real and lasting change to the lives of rescue dogs!
August is once again Focus on Foster Care month at SavourLife, and we're really excited to be shining a light on some of the real life super heroes who are absolutely essential in keeping rescue groups all over Australia going.
We are very proud that our Adopt-A-Dog platform has now helped bring so many pups and families together, while at the same time providing financial assistance for the rescue groups who are doing all the hard work.
We’re very proud to announce a new partnership with the amazing team at the Rainbow Paws Program! We have recently awarded them a $10,000 grant to help fund their Hotel Bookings program, providing emergency pet boarding for vulnerable members of the community.
This February in collaboration with the Petbarn Foundation, we ran our biggest Rescue Challenge ever, donating $200,000 between 20 rescue groups with the aim of saving 200 pups from rural and regional pounds.
As well as a free bag of SavourLife dog food, we are now able to offer anyone who adopts a dog through our Adopt-A-Dog site access to free on-line training support for their new family member!