When they arrived Vikki realised that the whole litter of nine had hernias, but with three of them she knew it was more serious and urgently reached out to Dr Rob Zammit from Bondi Vet to take a look.
About The Rescue
Jack Russell Rescue is a not for profit organisation operated entirely by volunteers which has been working to save the lives of dogs since 1993. Jack Russell Rescue has up to 40 dogs in care at any one time and currently rehomes over 250 dogs a year that may otherwise be needlessly put to sleep.
JR Rescue was established by co-founders, Jill Clinch and Sandra Ferris, to save and re-home abandoned Jack Russell Terriers and JRT cross-breeds that find themselves on death row in pounds throughout Australia.
If you're looking for a Jack Russell to join your family you can find Jack Russell Rescue's adoptables here on Adopt-A-Dog: https://www.savour-life.com.au/adopt-a-dog/rescue-groups/2395/Jack-Russell-Rescue
To find out more about their amazing work visit Jack Russell Rescue's website - https://jrtrescue.net/
Since the episode was filmed we are happy to report that Chip, Monty and Kingston all recovered well from surgery and have all gone on to find amazing forever homes! We were able to follow up with all the families and let us know how they were doing.

From Chip's family:
"Chip and his new big sister Bella have been loving life since coming together. He is very happy and adjusted to life in Bonnet Bay very well! He loves his daily walks along the bush track and had a lot of fun running around the river flats.
His favourite time of day is night time when he can cuddle up to us on the couch!"

From Monty's family:
"Monty is now around 5kg and living a life of a king! He has two sisters that adore him and loves to explore on his walks. He is the biggest character, friendly and we just love him to bits."

From Kingston's family
"Kingston is doing very well! He is into everything and heaven forbid if someone leaves the bathroom door open - they will not find any toilet paper when they return!
He loves his new sister Snowflake and they have become inseparable and he pretty much copies everything she does."
Thank you Jack Russell Rescue for making all of these happy new beginnings possible!